There's actually 2 ways of doing this card, u can glue the bottom closed & instead of doing the inside of the card u would, still do that step but not glue it in, so it can lift out. Hope that makes sense, I like my cards to stand up & open up, so I came up with a way to makie that happen, using this design.
We're going to start with a sheet of 8.5x11

Cut in half lenth ways, so u have 2 (4 1/4"x11) pieces

Score each one @ 5.5"

Glue together to make a trifold card.

This is the bit that scares me LOL- line up each corner & slice, do this on both sides, make sure u cut the top of each one, it's my fear cutting the top of one & the bottom of the other.

This is what it should look like when u're done slicing.

Next u need to cut 2 5.5 x 4.1/4 One will be sliced & the other will stay just as is.

Take 1 half & glue onto the left hand side, u can use double sided paper & cover both sides of the card if u wish. Then the piece thats whole will be glued to the inside of the card.

Cut another plain rectangle @ 4 x 5.1/4I like to ink the edges, this will be glued inside of the card too.

Add some ribbon or patterned paper, whatever takes ur fancy.

This is the trickiest bit, make a whole for the brad, I use a pencil to mark where I want it 1st.

Punch the hole

I like to stamp on the plain side, I also added a brad to hold the card closed.

Add a little "something" to match ur theme, mines going to be a Christmas card so I picked to do the Christmas poinsettia, & there u have it, quick & easy.